About product

The solution allows you to integrate 3rd party systems with Avaya CMS without additional licenses costs. There are a number of projects where we may consider it: 

  • Workforce Management Systems (Like Verint WMF or Genesys WFM)
  • Custom reporting solution (Dashboard software)

This software product is designed to receive historical statistics and real-time statistics. In fact, this is a software module acting as an integration intermediary between the two systems. The following information may be provided for external to Avaya systems:

Real-time statistic:

  • REASONCODE - current agent status (ready, not ready, break...) 
  • EVENTCODE - additional status information
  • TIMELABEL - timestamp when the state changed

Historical statistic:

  • SPLIT - name of agent group
  • TIMELABEL - timestamp
  • ACDCALLS - total numbers of answered calls
  • ASA - average speed of answer
  • AHD - average handle time
  • ABNCALLS - total number of abandoned calls
  • SVCLEVEL - service level
  • STAFF - the number of agents working in the group for the reporting period

And many other metrics available in Avaya CMS

What is it for?

This module allows you to legally integrate with Avaya PBX, without purchasing expensive Avaya licenses, and only one Supversior license will be involved. The module has a positive experience in using in an industrial environment with 500 agent positions in one of the largest retail banks.

To integrate third-party solutions, the following predefined reports are required on the Avaya CMS side:

  • Order 185282 - for a new  Avaya CMS installation
  • Order 185284 - for an existing Avaya CMS installation

This solution can significantly reduce the total cost of Avaya licenses. In some cases, the savings will be $50,000.

How does it work?

The solution uses standard possibilities of Avaya CMS without violating license agreements.

The diagram shows the general principle of this solution:


The architecture of the module is pretty flexible for embedding in any infrastructure. The most important feature of the solution - fault tolerance.

Additional information

You can get additional information about the product just contact me on this page